Monthly Archives: December 2014

Looking For Mannequin Heads


Now. I know a lot of my readers know a lot of things, but I’m hoping someone can tell me where to find good Mannequin heads, and possibly arms/hands… I’m going to be making some scarves and I want to use those as a display. Any clues? I see them on eBay, but I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere else?

Thanks in advance!

I Finished My Rug


It took about 7 hours on mindless sewing and watching almost the entire first season of Bates Motel, but here it is! All Finished! I used quite a bit of clothesline, about 200 feet, and it was nice to use of some of my fabric scraps, and I cut some strips to add in as well in some of the fabric colors I like. Once I teach a class on it, it will end up in front of my stove. Best thing about it that it is machine washable! Now I want to make on for the landing at the top of my stairs!

Got The Blue Fabric For My Latest Commission

I hate holiday shipping! I finally got the fabric though! I love the blues I got in the mail! I was a little worried they wouldn’t be saturated enough, but they are just so cute! A couple are even from Joann’s when I went a little out of control during the moonlight madness sale! Great way to use some of it up!

I’m Making Bowls And Table Trivets

Everyone knows I’m taking a small break from sewing quilts as the holiday season made me a little burnt up. Also, I’m sick as a dog, so no fancy sewing for a day or two. Alas, even though all I want to do is lye in bed, I still feel the need to sew something, so I made these…

Aren’t they cute! I’ll post a tutorial soon! Also, I think I might make a rug! Wish me luck!

Here Is The Tetris Quilt I Finished

Just so no one thinks I’m slacking off I posted the picture of it finished on Christmas Eve morning, but I just didn’t get a chance to put it up on here. I used quite a bit of glow in the dark thread to do a tight stippling in the some of the tetris blocks, and then I also used the glow in the dark thread on one of the borders. I think it turned out marvelous!

I Finished The Red Zelda Quilt Top

I finished it! Well, the quilt top is finished, but that’s what the customer ordered, so I’m so happy it turned out great! I just love this color pattern! It has already been mailed out, so I can start work on my last quilt before Christmas! Tetris! Wish me luck! Not much sleep for me until after the holidays!


My Summer Quilt Is Quilted

It took quite a while, but I finally got around to quilting it! Considering I made the quilt top many moons ago, it has been sitting on the end table in my guest room for quite some time, and I just couldn’t take it anymore! It had to be quilted so here it is! I actually have enough fabric already cut to do a matching queen size quilt for my room! I used a gorgeous simple purple mottled fabric for the backing as well as the binding. It just turned out so perfect, and it is now hanging up in the shop I work at! I can’t wait to make the queen sized one!

I’ve Been Working Like A Dog..

I’m sorry I haven’t posted much lately. I’ve been sewing like I’m getting paid for it or something… Oh wait, I am… I’ve been sloshed with commissions and I’m down to my final two before Christmas! I actually sewed quite a bit more than what these pictures show, but it is totally amazing and I’ll post those pictures later! Wish me luck!

I Finished A Triforce Throw Quilt… 2 More Before Christmas


I know I haven’t posted anything quilt related lately, but I’ve just been so busy. I just finished this the other night and I’m mailing it out today. Now tonight I have to make a Full size quilt top to mail out on Wednesday. Wish me luck!