Tag Archives: Bargello

Faultline Quilt Top Finished

While making my Americana quilt top, I decided to take a break and put a border on this beauty. I love the way that the bargello pattern crumbles on the ends and pieces end up in the border. Too bad I can’t get this Jelly Roll pack any longer. I would have done a lot with it! Oh well. It’s just crumbling away, slowly falling around the center, dropping off piece by piece. I adore it! Now to figure out how to quilt it… Any suggestions?

Cracked Earth? – Still Working On A Name

It’s been a long week, and it’s only getting longer! I managed to squeeze in some sewing time last night ad thought I would show off the fruits of my labor. I’m really digging it! After the last curve when it is supposed to mellow out, all the pieces seam to be collapsing out of the quilt. I think I might start dropping them out at an even faster pace on the other side. We’ll see. I’ve got to feel it to sew it. Wish me luck!

The Newest Bargello – Falling Earth

This quilt is going to have quite the twist… Or break… Not quite sure how to describe it yet. How about I finish it, and let everyone else figure out how to describe it. That sounds great to be. This is a marvelous Jelly Roll pack I got, and I have some more on the way, because once you see these colors together, everyone is going to want this one! What do you think so far?

Working On A New Bargello Quilt Project


MY friends and I decided to make some Bargello quilts, and I bought one of those 40 Karat Packs from Wilmington Prints, and I decided to add a splash of color with those two red strips. I’m really excited to see how this turns out. I promise to keep everyone updated! Wish me luck!

PS. I’ll be selling the kit for this project shortly! I just have to finish it first!

Finished My Bargello Quilt, I Just Love The Accent Embroideries!

I finished it and it is currently in the washing machine. I’m so excited for the way it turned out. The Wonderfil thread I’m using is super awesome! Their variegated colors are just to die for! I think it has quite a bit of movement, and the embroideries just make it pop! I used a bright blue flannel for the backing as well as the binding, and I think it is just perfect! I just have to schedule the class for this fun quilt at work! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to a commission quilt.

Playing With My New Wonderfil Thread

I’m working on a quilt for myself before I start my latest commission, and I’ve been adding embroidery to it, to help spice it up a bit! I got some of this marvelous Wonderfil thread at work. It’s marvelous! Randomly variegated color increments, and I just love it! Hopefully tonight I’ll putt it all together! Wish me luck!