How I’ve Kept My Sanity: Crafting Through Misdiagnosis… (Part 3.5)

After posting Part 3 of the Toxic Medicine series, I posted some of the scarves I’ve been working on, but forgot to post the yarn I spun! So we’ll call this “Part 3.5”. I love spinning yarn, but holy heck is it time consuming. I did not know that when I started spinning, but it is rather easy to start and stop, so I can always walk away and come back to it later. Perhaps later this week, I’ll post some of the art roving I have waiting in the wings for future felting or spinning projects.

The first yarn after the jump is some I used in one of the scarves from my nuno felting scarf post referenced above.

To see the yarn I’ve made in the last couple weeks, follow the jump…

This first bit of handspun involves some vintage silk scarps, factory waste acrylic, and even some cotton quilting scraps, along with a bit of thread waste.

This one I made for one of my cousins to turn into a scarf. This is some really fun yarn. It has a combo of vintage silk scarps, denim scraps, thread scraps, cotton scraps, and reclaimed acrylic factory waste. It is about 25% by weight wool roving, to help keep all of my scrappy pieces together. It turn out quite nicely, and after hitting it with the steam iron, it really kept its twist nicely. I cannot wait for them to crochet it!

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